Whitelist refers to the list of people who have registered to participate in the presale.
If you are on the whitelist, you can definitely buy it at the pre-sale price, so it looks like a numbered ticket. Whitelisting also has other benefits, such as being able to avoid rising gas prices.
Method of operation
From My Page, click "Create Whitelist", enter the Whitelist name, and click "confirm".
The Whitelist you created earlier will be displayed on the cover of "Whitelist", so click "Edit whitelist".
Add the whitelist wallet address with "|Number of mints" entered at the end of the wallet to Add to whitelist, and click "Add to whitelist".
Add the whitelist wallet address to check address in whitelist, Click Check.
Please check the wallet address you added and whether it was added without any problems, as it will be displayed on the right side.
Add the whitelist wallet address to check address in whitelist, Click Check.
The wallet address you added and the number of whitelists you have are displayed on the right, so please check them.
Click on the collection created from "colleciton".
Click Start Launchpad.
Enter the file uploaded to Pinata in "IPFS directory". When entering it, please add "ipfs://" in front of it.
The registered whitelist will be displayed from Whitelist contract address, so please select it.
Once you have entered everything, click "Create".
*You cannot mint more than your allocation number.
Last updated